Mediterranean Bee Hubs in support for sustainable economic prosperity in deprived rural areas
The EU-funded MedBEESinessHubs project has announced a new call for proposals to award sub-grants of EUR 5,000 to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), NGOs, and natural persons based in Lebanon. The grants aim to support the development of the Bee-Economy sector, create a positive and long-lasting impact on rural areas and increase their competitiveness, sustainability, and access to cross-border and international markets as well as create jobs for young people and women in rural areas.
Funding is available for the following initiatives:
- upgrading and creating MSMEs/start-ups/NGOs managed by young people and/or women,
- developing new products and services in the Bee-Economy Sector
- upgrading processing units for bee products including their certification with quality assurance systems
- increasing the number of MSMEs operating in the Bee-Economy using information and communication technologies (AI, VR, AR, etc.)
- producing and promoting organic bee products/services.
To apply and for more information, including the timeline and eligibility requirements, interested parties should download the full set of documents by clicking here Link , and email the completed forms to by May 10th, 2023, 18:00 Beirut Time.
Don’t miss this opportunity to create a positive impact on rural areas and take part in the development of the Bee-Economy sector in Lebanon.
Project in brief
The general objective of MedBEESinessHubs is to support the economies of deprived rural communities in the Mediterranean regions of Cyprus, Egypt, Italy Lebanon and Palestine.
Through coaching and capacity building in technical and business-oriented subjects, as well as through the provision of sub-grants, this project will attempt to provide new jobs through the setting up of micro-SMEs, bee-businesses, that can create value from honeybee products by adding their individual art of craft and design. MedBEESinessHubs will assist them in teaming up with local authorities in order to turn their region into a honeybee comb, made up of a cluster of microSMEs in the honey-BEESiness in each region while building sustainable tourism destinations in that process.
The project will then enable them to establish their beehive, the MedBEESinessHubs, where cross pollination will begin, and cross-border cooperation will be achieved among regional stakeholders and microSMEs in the honeybee handicraft clusters.
And of course, throughout this attempt, the MedBEESinessHubs project will help the endangered honeybee survive and continue giving food and life on earth.
September 2021 – August 2023
Total project budget €1,110,609.71
EU Contribution €999,548.74
Co-funded by
ENI CBC MED 2014-2020 Capitalisation
Project website
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