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The chamber of Zahlé and Bekaa representsthe commercial, industrial andagricultural interests of the Bekaa region. It offers a wide range of services to members, private and publicinstitutions and focus on thedevelopment of thelocal and nationaleconomy through lobbying, networking and projects.


Thechamber, as affiliate to theFederationof chambersof commerce,industry and agriculture in Lebanon, aims to theeconomic development and exchangeof information in the  commercial, agricultural  and  industrialfields  forreachingthe required economical Integration.


CCIAZ most valuable assets include dedicated staff with talented new generation, trust reciprocity between members and staff and diversified technical means leading to high quality services.


CCIAZ is operating under a Quality Assurance Management System in compliance with the requirements of ISO 900: 2008 and is keen to having this system continually improved.